Tuesday, July 10, 2012

How Long Before the Peasants Revolt?


Honestly? The Republican Party keeps hurling insults towards various groups with the contempt Marie Antoinette before the French Revolution. "Let them eat cake!"

First it was African Americans, of course, because they are the perennial target of rightwing racism, plus Obama is black. Second came the war on women as sluts and 'ho's who need to be violated by extremist state legislators. The Hispanics took the heat when the Immigration ruling came down, with Scalia likening them to "freed slaves" or people with contagious diseases invading Arizona. And since the health care ruling, the Tea Partiers keep slamming the "fat and lazy unemployed slobs" who dare to want health care.

In fact, who is left that they haven't insulted? Oh yeah - the perfect people. The people with lots of money who are clearly the chosen of God, because Jesus loved money and told the disciples to forget feeding the poor - just dump the fish out of their boats and haul the gold given to them by Pharisees to an offshore island where they can earn a high interest rates and avoid the tax man . . . oh, wait a minute, maybe I have that wrong . . .

This weekend, at another posh event in Southampton, NY, supporters of Mitt Romney lined up to prove just how stupid and shallow they really are by slamming the exact voters that their candidate needs in order to succeed ~ the "common people."

They might as well call the rest of us in the 99% the "serfs" and "peasants."

The quotes below sound just as snobby, rude and clueless as Thurston Howell the Third and Lovey on Gilligan's Island. The difference between the Howells and Mitt Romney & friends misunderstand is that Gilligan's Island was a survival situation that leveled the playing field and rendered the Howells equal to everyone else in a microcosm of American society. And the Howell's only survived because "poor" people like Gilligan and Mary Ann did all the work - cooking, gathering food, hunting, and cleaning. "Commoners" are useful like that, and not always uneducated - the Professor wasn't the rich guy, just the smartest guy.

And this is why Romney & his elitist friends are going to lose. Real Darwinism favors the hard-working and the intelligent, not the rich. Stupidity and vapid statements about how the peasants are inferior will not win elections or run a country correctly. Go read about the French Revolution, plz thanks, before the peasants arm themselves with pitchforks, or more importantly, voter registration cards.

New York Times Blog
EAST HAMPTON, N.Y. – A woman in a blue chiffon dress poked her head out of a black Range Rover here on Sunday afternoon and yelled to an aide to Mitt Romney, “Is there a V.I.P. entrance. We are V.I.P.”

. . . Mr. Romney arrived in this town of outsized homes and conspicuous consumption for the first of three major fund-raisers on Sunday afternoon, his motorcade of Chevrolet Suburbans passing a gleaming line of Bentleys, Porsches and a Mercedes Benzes waiting to deposit guests who paid up to $25,000 a head to hear him speak.

A luncheon fund-raiser was held at the sprawling home of Ronald O. Perelman, the billionaire financier and chairman of Revlon. Widely described as the largest estate in East Hampton, it has 40 rooms, nine fireplaces and takes up a mile along Georgica Pond.

After that, Mr. Romney, a former Massachusetts governor, was also scheduled to attend fund-raisers at the Hamptons homes of Clifford Sobel, the former United States ambassador to Brazil, and the billionaire industrialist David H. Koch, a major donor to conservative causes.

LA Times Story
A New York City donor a few cars back, who also would not give her name, said Romney needed to do a better job connecting. "I don't think the common person is getting it," she said from the passenger seat of a Range Rover stamped with East Hampton beach permits. "Nobody understands why Obama is hurting them.

"We've got the message," she added. "But my college kid, the baby sitters, the nails ladies -- everybody who's got the right to vote -- they don't understand what's going on. I just think if you're lower income -- one, you're not as educated, two, they don't understand how it works, they don't understand how the systems work, they don't understand the impact."

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