Monday, January 7, 2013

President Obama Picks Hagel and Brennan for Cabinet


The President continues to fill his Cabinet - announcing today he has chosen Senator Chuck Hagel for Secretary of Defense, and John Brennan as the next Director of the Central Intelligence Agency.

Hagel, a Vietnam Vet with two Purple Hearts, also has some baggage,viewed by GOP as a RINO - "Republican in Name Only," and by some as not Pro-Isral enough to be Sec. of Defense. Even Gay Rights advocates may fight against him.

Sparks May Fly at Hagel Confirmation Hearings
Hagel has said he favored U.S. negotiations with Iran and opposed increased sanctions. He has supported Israel entering negotiations with Hamas, though also insisted Hamas end terrorism and accept Israel's right to exist.
And the former U.S. senator from Nebraska has criticized U.S. policy on Afghanistan, including a 2009 "surge" that sent in 30,000 additional troops. If he becomes defense secretary, Hagel will face the challenge of ending that U.S.-led war and overseeing a smaller training force in the country.

. . . Some are bothered by a comment he made in 1998 about an ambassadorial candidate being "aggressively gay" -- which he recently apologized for. And in a 2007 interview, he said a "Jewish lobby intimidated lawmakers" -- sparking heated criticism. A rabbi in Hagel's home state insists he is "a friend of Israel."
(Senator Lindsey) Graham told CNN he believes that if confirmed, Hagel "would be the most antagonistic secretary of defense towards the state of Israel in our nation's history."
Sen. Chris Murphy, a freshman Democrat from Connecticut, said that he believes "Republicans are spoiling for a fight."

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